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2024-04-13 23:16:24

Foiled by sports ball once again! ✅❌✅✅✅✅❌✅✅✅
The Saturday Paper Quiz No. 495
I got 8/10!
2024-03-13 15:41:16

“Fate chiasso, fatevi sentire”, diceva il Papa. “Siete l'ultima generazione” spiegava ai giovani il pontefice. Eppure la sentenza di oggi, pronunciata dal tribunale vaticano “nel nome di Sua SantitŠ”, svuota quelle parole di significato.

Una donna abbraccia Ester di Ultima generazione in piazza. Intorno a loro e sullo sfondo ci sono altre persone. In basso sull'immagine è impressa la scritta: «Condannati, di nuovo. Il tribunale vaticano rigetta il ricorso di Ester e Guido nel nome di “sua santità”».
2024-04-13 14:15:00

Zweiter Vorfall bei Roku: Fast 600.000 Nutzerkonten betroffen
Angreifer versuchen derzeit massenhaft, Roku-Konten zu kapern. Der Streaminganbieter kontert mit 2FA.
2024-05-13 11:28:38

Hot take because I like the #GoodTechThings newsletter Forrest makes:
Stack overflow exists because primary documentation generally sucks and will continue to.
Otherwise why would (usually outdated) tutorials exist?
As @… points out... ChatGPT is good at being welcoming, stackoverflow is bad at it, and both are good at outdated wrong answers.
All docs on the internet have sucked longer than you think (yes, before SEO ruined things). It's just the paradox of knowledge: when you've known something so long you forget how far you've come and how hard it was to learn.
Was helping someone new to tech, tried looking back at some tutorials and gosh they didn't include all the papercuts I went through. Even official docs of commercial providers are not free of that. Some primary docs are just plain wrong or outdated.
#StackOverflow #DevRel
2024-05-13 06:53:03

All became clear once I Derived the answer from the bottom up.
#CellTower 739
2024-03-13 00:01:50

Yeah, I was one of the two who voted “other”:
Waiting to see if this was really a quiz with a correct answer or if it was simply a request for free labor.
2024-05-12 18:48:01

#Breaking news: #putin has fired defence minister #shoigu! (Wondering where his remains may be located :think_bread:)
🔗 🇩🇪 via @…
2024-04-13 21:06:29

"Der Iran hat Drohnen auf Ziele in Israel abgefeuert. Es werde von einer Flugzeit von mehreren Stunden ausgegangen, sagte Militärsprecher Hagari."
In Gedanken in Israel. Und auch bei den Menschen drum herum.
Ich hoffe so sehr, dass das alles irgendwie beendet wird.
2024-05-13 12:00:10

At this year's Berlin Buzzwords, Radu Gheorghe and Rafał Kuć take a stab at a definitive - yet nuanced - answer to "how much heap do I need?" and "is GC a problem and how can I fix it?" for Solr/Elasticsearch/OpenSearch deployments. #bbuzz

Short talk - Heap sizing and GC tuning for Solr and friends
Photograph of Radu Gheorghe
Photograph of Rafał Kuć
9th-11th June 2024, Kulturbrauerei & Online,
2024-05-13 06:53:03

All became clear once I Derived the answer from the bottom up.
#CellTower 739